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sábado, 9 de enero de 2010

Hello everyone out there!!! I am thrilled to start my blog tonight, I have been following a number of blogs for some time now but wouldn´t decide on starting mine. It´s a bit scaring but with the guideance of my daughter I know I´ll ger over it fast.

A bit about myself... I am a crafter by heart, ever since I can remember I have loved to create and learn new techniques and I am always looking forward to learning something new. One of my long time dreams has been to be able to knit anything my heart desires just by looking at a magazine or book, I now it is a hard endeavor but let me tell you that I am beginning to overcome this "fear" by deciding to "knit more and worry less", this is going to be my motto at least for the next couple of months. As soon as I begin to learn how this works I will be posting some of my projects to share with and maybe I can give you a little inspiration to begin something new as I have received so much from many of the blogs I refer to. So for tonight I think this is it!!

1 comentario:

  1. Pilarika, mucha suerte en este nuevo proyecto que empiezas...va a ser todo un exito.....saludos marttha


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